

I saw this picture earlier this evening and I couldn’t stop thinking about how inspirational it was. I’ve kind of made it a new mantra of mine to “just keep going”, and I feel this quote within the picture follows suit with reinforcing about not giving up. It’s been incredible the various changes I have gone through within the past year at my new job, and how much it has varied from my previous line of work.

Just like switching from one company to another, of course you’re going to deal with a whole new set of policies and protocol within the workplace. The company I was previously employed with, Starbucks, had a policy that was “Just say yes!”. I always felt conflicted with this policy. Even though a customer would be rude or demanding, we would have to give into their demand due to THIS policy, and I felt it gave free reign for customers to not have respect for you and they are still allowed to have as they demand, even though it may contradict the company’s policy or what someone should do for the better sake of the company. Or giving customers free things just because we did wanted them to comeback, even if they were rude. Of course they would come back and still continue with their bad behavior because they knew the Baristas would have to give into their demands– not because they respected us. At my new job I am able to have some authority within a situation and be able to adhere to policy and be confident in doing what’s best for my clinic and what’s best for the patient’s best interest. Yes, we still provide amazing customer service, but the severity of the types of situations now it seems more appropriate if clients become upset  over their pets well being– instead of getting yelled at because there is too much foam on someone’s Chai Tea Latte. Also being able to make a judgement call if an animal is in a well suited environment with its owner and we have to contact Animal Control to help them gain a better life.

It’s a whole different “ballgame” when you’re dealing with saving lives, as opposed to preparing tasty beverages. Nonetheless, I gained an incredible amount of skills from my days as a Barista. Learning how to deal with a variety of different personalities as clients, and really how to provide great customer service skills in general became truly beneficial throughout my life and other jobs I have had. At the Vet clinic, mine and my other coworkers positions are so multifaceted. We must provide excellent care not only for our patients, but for the clients as well. Educating them, discussing about treatment, preventive care, nutrition, wellness care, etc. Especially since I work at an Emergency clinic we deal with lots of emotional/ stressful traumas.

Some of the common cases we see in our clinic are hit by cars, dogs being attacked by other dogs, toxicities (chocolate, rat bait, prescription drugs, recreational drugs, anti-freeze, dead on arrivals, etc.), animals who are actively having seizures, cats being attacked by dogs or other cats…just to name a few scenarios. Gaining the experience to see these types of cases as often as I do, especially in a Vet clinic setting, is truly invaluable. Learning about medications, wound treatments, fluid therapy, surgery, and so much more. I feel like most days I can’t fathom how much more I still need to learn about being in the Vet world. I feel that it’s never ending, but that’s what I think what I love about this job the most. It is truly never monotonous, and I am constantly learning EVERY SINGLE DAY.

I know I get nervous, because I lack in confidence if I am performing my jobs task well, and dealing with the situations at hand in the best manner as possible. With time it has improved, but I still worry about impressing my peers and doing my best. I get stressed out that I “annoy” someone if I constantly ask questions, or I am using the correct terminology, or if I am putting enough efforts in with being a team player, and that’s where I feel the quote of “Don’t give up just because things are hard”. I am truly my own worst critic, more often than I should be. I worry about always being my best and wanting to be better. I don’t always communicate this to others, and I feel that sometimes it becomes mistranslated to just “being emotional”. I get more upset with myself than anything within situations, because I feel like I make “stupid” mistakes and literally degrade myself mentally. I feel I have been working on this a lot lately and this has improved, it was a lot worse when I first started there and I would get emotional about it. I just told myself “don’t give up!!”, it will be worth it later. It has truly proven to be that way and has pushed me in many facets of my life to NOT GIVE UP!

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